This is a 16-piece set of prop signs...Ideal for Quinceañeras!  The set is double-sided with a total of 32-unique phrases in English and Spanish:

Every quinceañera celebration is as unique as the young lady being honored.  Make her feel special and give her some great memories with this Quinceanera Bundle. 


Sign 1: Turn Down For What | ¿Quién lo invitó? (Who invited him?)

Sign 2: Turnt Up | Soy el alma de la fiesta (I'm the life of the party)

Sign 3: I'm So Fancy | Pal Feisbuk (For Facebook)

Sign 4: Proud of You | Felicidades en tus quince (Congratulations for your Quince)

Sign 5: Deuces | Vine por el pastel (I came for the cake)

Sign 6: It's Ya Birthday! | Quiero bailar (I want to dance)

Sign 7: YOLO | Demasiado bonita para la fiesta (Too sexy for the party)

Sign 8: My Damas! | Quince años! (Fifteen years!)

Sign 9: My Besties | Busca Novio (Looking for boyfriend)

Sign 10: Tight! | Lo que diga mi mujer (Whatever my wife says)

Sign 11: Happy 15th Birthday! | Soy soltero (I'm Single 'In the male voice')

Sign 12: CRAY! | Todas mueren por mi (They all want me)

Sign 13: Like a Boss | Mis Chambelanes (My Chambelanes)

Sign 14: It's My Birthday | La Diva! (Diva)

Sign 15: LOL! | Orgulloso de ti! (Proud of you!)

Sign 16: Feliz Cumpleanos (Happy Birthday) | Vamos de Fiesta (Let's Party)


These are made from PVC expanded material 6MM (Approximately 1/4 inches), professionally printed to last, BPA Free & Made in the USA.

 Width: 10 inches 

 Height  5 inches

 Weight: 4 lbs each